Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Black History Month is a Mockery to Black People Everywhere!

February is Black History Month. While I believe blacks are not celebrated enough in our society, I have some major issues with Black History Month. One of the most glaring problems I have with this "celebration" is the fact that it is given (of course) the shortest month. Of the twelve months, February is by far the shortest, and least significant month. This is a nontrivial issue.

For centuries, blacks have been treated like absolute scum by white patriarchal society who regarded (and still regard) them as nothing but slaves. And now, as a seeming jab, they are given the most insignificant month to celebrate their entire history and culture. This speaks volumes.

Can anyone tell me what month is White History Month? That's right, IT'S THE WHOLE YEAR! We don't have a white history month because whites own every month. This absolute injustice is visible in many ways, from where we force black people to live, how little black people earn, and how little savings they have. The cause of this is simple: institutionalized racism and white patriarchy.

This year don't celebrate Black History Month when they tell you to, celebrate it all year long!

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